Doing Her Part During This Mental Health Crisis

Carolyn has a lifetime of experience working with clients to get healthier and stronger. A passion for connecting and helping them reach a deeper healing, she practiced ancient, time-tested energy healing methodology for decades. Notably ahead of the trend, Carolyn has been training over Skype all those years. Today she is able to heal over those same video calls.

She has crafted the ideal background and skill set for healing mind, body, and spirit. From yoga or free weights, to REIKI energy healing and guided meditation.

Only with this whole-of-consciousness approach to inherently holistic wellness planning, can we truly heal our deepest wounds. Life should not be hard. And we must never forget the power our own body has to heal itself. Say hello if you’d like to learn how to tap into or strengthen this ability in yourself.

Stay in touch.
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Root Cause Analysis Of Life Ailment

"The REAP experiences thus far have been amazing but the first Soul Retrieval session was one of the most powerful, enlightening, and healthy things I have done or experienced in my adult life. The floodgate of emotions it triggered was a bit scary but it seemed like it was destined to be. As we established the Light Body, it was almost like doing root cause analysis of what had been ailing me - sapping me for a long time, or since I was in a life-threatening accident in 1999. I realized that I had still not forgiven myself for getting into that accident; talk about an epiphany! I will stand down for now but the sense of relief, self awareness, healing, and empowerment were simply overwhelming in a positive manner — it was a soul vaccination like no other!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Empowered To Move Past Difficult Experience

"Carolyn did REAP on me after a difficult experience that left me stuck for quite some time. The healing she did was powerful. She provided insights not only to what was going on but also provided suggestions to help me continue to work through the situation. I feel empowered to move through this transition and with her help, feel I will be able to do so with success. I am extremely grateful to have had her work on me."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Feel Confident At 63 & Never Met Carolyn In Person

"Everyone has a trainer, most often ONLY short-term. There are fitness programs all over town, most are short lived. I found a true conditioner, low profile, no glitz, and unique professional. I contacted Carolyn by referral via Skype. Fast forward 5 years later… I continue to train with Carolyn weekly. Though we have yet to meet personally, I consider her a true friend and Life Coach!! She develops workouts to target my personal needs so my time is well spent! I look forward every week to my Wednesday workouts with Carolyn and look forward to meeting my coach personally! And not to brag… but at age 63 years… I am hearing pretty great things!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Kept Extended Medical Treatment On Track

"This summer as I was going through an extended medical treatment plan, my REAP sessions with Carolyn Trinkle Kenyon were undeniably helpful in keeping me on track when I easily could have become overwhelmed. Carolyn is a dedicated and skillful practitioner in both personal training and REAP and I highly recommend her as do all of her clients. Of course, I may be just a little biased ;)"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Performs Miracles

"Carolyn performs miracles. During our session, I relaxed, felt the energy moving throughout my body, and afterward, experienced a sense of calm and healing that persists now, a day later. I slept amazingly well, and even today, am using the energy she sent me to relax and ease muscles. Her wisdom and guidance give me an insight into why I am feeling muscle strain. She teaches me how to recognize the emotional tension and so ease the physical. She is helping me heal and grow with her compassion and energy."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Made Me Feel Comfortable, Grounded

"Reap was a very positive experience in my life. I went in with open eyes. Carolyn explained every step and made me feel comfortable. When done, I felt very grounded with a lot of healing energy. It was great!!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Energy Circle Was Inspiring & Healing

"I was so fortunate to experience Carolyn's first Healing Circle. It was a wonderful experience of sharing, encouragement, music, readings and energy healing. Carolyn's words of healing were balanced with her sharing of personal experience, reminding all of us of our own innate abilities to discover healing. Carolyn's family shared with us their talents. Husband Bill shared his gift of music and son Sean shared his gift of poetry. An energy healer, Carolyn lead us in a peaceful meditation of energy healing. The Healing Circle was a wonderful, inspiring, and healing experience. Of course, the luncheon provided by the Bull Run was delicious!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Stronger, Healthier Physically & Emotionally

"I started personal training with Carolyn several years ago and never imagined the difference it would make in my life. Carolyn's personal training direction has given me the confidence and self-awareness to know when I should work a little harder, and when/how to modify and ease into something. I have attended two of her healing circles and those really gave me an extra boost as they made me pause and learn to focus more on how to be still and be aware of my spirit, energy, and self. Through her workout classes and support, I have become stronger and healthier, both physically and emotionally. 🥰🐘"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Saw What I Was Seeing

"I was gifted a visit to Carolyn to try her REAP. I am an empath myself. I found that when I first saw Carolyn that night she was her usual spirited self. She had a presence of peace about her. Our session started and I felt at first like I wasn’t tapping [into] much. Then my tailbone was pulled towards the ground, and she started to 'body scan me' — as she selected areas to call on I felt so connected to her. I didn’t give much away and she saw exactly what I saw. She even served what I know now were “period” cramps. Haha. That being said she focused on areas that were tied to feeling and situations that were really going on in my life. Things I knew I needed to work on but never really focused. She also helped me come to terms with the fact that I carry a strong ability. One day I will build on it. I would see Carolyne again. Life makes it hard, but I think a few times a year will help me reflect. Thank you for sharing your gift. You are wonderful."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn's Healing Deserves Praise

"I had the pleasure and honor to attend one of Carolyn's Healing Circles not long ago. It was an experience worthy of mention. Carolyn is extremely gifted. Her abilities to tap into all to begin the healing process deserves praise. For me it is working and I still use the mantra Carolyn said every day. I can only imagine what a one-on-one session would be like. Thank you, Carolyn! See you at the next circle!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Feel Your Purpose

"Today I experienced my first light body activation during REAP. The feeling of purpose and connection of physical and spiritual aspects was amazing. I cannot wait to continue this process!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Literally Helped Save My Life

"Energy healing, mindfulness, and meditation saved my life. I was living with daily anxiety stemming from decades of depression. I never “looked” depressed, so I must be fine, right?? (Wrong.) Low or high, I struggled to identify any cause for my turmoil. Jump ahead through a decade of self-medicating and subconscious self-sabotage. College makes it easy to rationalize these behaviors. Plus, I had just discovered my own sexuality — I was gay. I honestly thought owning that would be a cure-all. But negative thinking doesn’t care how many crutches you have. The day I realized I’d never reach my dreams if I didn’t address this, I decided to find help. As a science-loving millennial, I went to western medicine first. Putting a label and script on whatever was going on felt like the instant gratification I needed. "Unipolar Depression. Social Phobia. SSRI medication." They helped me cope better than I could remember since puberty — but the bad habits remained. The dark holes were less frequent and I was more resilient, but I didn’t feel whole or stable. My mental state continued to impede my ambition. Eventually, after reading about some quantum mechanics craziness, I realized spirituality was in no way crazier than this science. With Carolyn’s help I was explored energy healing. Today, things are on track. I can wholeheartedly say that the past 6 months of my life have been the greatest improvement in my mental health that I remember. I’ve started to better understand root causes of my mental health; to see the links between my childhood OCD, coping mechanisms, sexuality, intimacy development, and my current mental state. Thanks to Carolyn, I’m learning to live in the NOW. I’m developing a broader understanding of human consciousness and the true power of the mind. I still have a long way to go, but my gut says I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m more excited (and less nervous) about just letting the future unfold than ever before!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Motivating Biggest Inspiration

"Carolyn has been one of the biggest inspirations and motivators in my journey to wellness. She is always smiling and ready to help you be your best! She keeps you accountable to your goals and will help you achieve them. I highly recommend Carolyn as a personal trainer."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Recommended Workshop to "Literally Everyone"

"I absolutely loved this workshop. Carolyn is an extremely knowledgeable, caring person who clearly explains the steps to heal your body. I would highly recommend this workshop to literally everyone."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Brings Positive Energy Joy To Everything

"Carolyn Kenyon brings positive energy and joy to everything she does. Whether she leads you to physical health through training, or to a deeper and more spiritual health through REAP. Warmth, kindness, understanding, and patience guide her."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Skype Workout Exactly What They Needed

"First off I am not a gym girl! Having said that, I have always carried a little extra weight but after seeing a photo of myself a few months after the birth of my second son I realized I needed help to lose the baby weight. I was introduced to Carolyn by a coworker and loved that I could workout in the comfort of my own home with her help and guidance. With two small children and crazy schedules, working out over Skype with Carolyn gave me just what I needed. It has been a few years now and I am so thankful she came into my life! I have more self-confidence and I am more physically fit than I’ve ever been! I look forward to more hard work and see where I can get with her help. She is wonderful, I can’t recommend her enough!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Is Inspirational, Approachable, Down-To-Earth

"Carolyn is truly an inspiration and a light worker who is approachable & down to earth with such passion! She is such a gift to our world! I have personally attended two of her Healing Circles and they were powerful! She has a divine gift to help bring light to an area in need and help the collective consciousness heal 💞 I hope all will attend her future Healing Circles to help keep this ripple effect going and receive their healing 💞"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Learned To Easily Still Her Mind

"What a gift to learn how to ground myself — all of my centers awakened. I now know how to easily achieve stillness in my mind & body – to feel truly calm and at peace. I have new tools to use anytime I need them. Sleep comes easily after listening to Carolyn’s meditation. Her voice is so comforting and soothing. Thank you Carolyn for sharing this with me – truly life changing."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Enjoying Exercise At 56 Years Old

"I have be working out with Carolyn for over a year and a half, yet I have never met her in person! I don’t like to exercise and need motivation. I have tried and don’t like the gym scene with the sticky equipment and the feeling of having to keep up with the person working out next to me. Over the years, I tried working out with DVDs but they were boring, frustrating and demeaning. I don’t need Jillian or Tony Horton yelling at me when I am laying on the floor trying to catch my breath! Working out with Carolyn was the answer to all my anti-exercise excuses. I work out in my own home, don’t need any fancy equipment or cute exercise clothes. Carolyn is never late for our scheduled appointments and she shows me how to do every move and watches me via Skype. If I am doing something wrong or struggling with something she comes up with modifications. Her workouts are NEVER boring. When we finish a workout I feel really good about myself. I am 56 years old and feel stronger than I have since I was in my 30’s and toting kids around! "Did you like your workout today?" The answer is always: "YES!""

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Helped Out Of Darkness Towards Light

"I have attended all of Carolyn’s healing circle and each has been an amazing experience in connecting with myself spiritually. I have recently been through some very difficult times and was feeling very lost. Carolyn’s healing circles came as a gift at exactly the right time - when I needed it the most. She helped me find my way out of the darkness and back towards the light. They have been deeply moving experiences that I am truly grateful for."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Not Just About The Exercise

"I cannot miss my morning coffee or my sessions with Carolyn. It's not just about the exercise; it's her kindness, the advise just when you need it the most, and the love she freely shares."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Worked To Set Realistic Goals For Me

"Accountability with a Purpose," is why I love working with Carolyn. Until now, I could come up with 20 different reasons why I couldn’t exercise or was “too old or too tired” to get in shape. I have a pool at my house and I wasn't even swimming in it! From the beginning, she worked with me to set realistic goals and put together a plan that met my specific needs. Slowly, I began increasing my work-outs, swimming and doing targeted exercises that eased my back pain and increased my body strength. She even incorporated a throw-back 80s work-out that keeps me inspired! Every week, I mark it on my calendar as a sacred time that supports my health and vitality."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Great For Experienced & New To Fitness

"I started training with Carolyn Kenyon 5 years ago. Started out in gym in group setting, then Personal Training. In person and Skype training - she is very knowledgeable in her craft. She always takes into consideration anything that may be troubling you on any given day, and she will always have an alternate move for you. I feel, as someone who has been in the fitness world for the last forty years, that she is a great instructor — not just for people who have been doing this all their lives — but for people who are just entering the world of fitness. She is very motivational without being intimidating. She also is a very good baker and when you leave if you are there in person she may give you a homemade muffin or other goodie. It’s called JOB SECURITY! Big LOL!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Energy Healing Circle Is Soul Nourishing

"Carolyn’s energy circles are wonderful, rejuvenating and powerful. I love the intimate space in the Garden Room at the Bull Run with the patio doors letting the outside in. The new beginnings of this energy healing circle came at a great time for me. I am coming through a struggle and have been finding ways to take care of myself. Carolyn’s energy healing circle is soul nourishing and super supportive to my journey. Carolyn is genuine, tenderhearted, giving and welcoming. Her storytelling goes straight to the heart as she shares her personal life and journey of self love and healing. This sharing is caring, as she calls it, imparts faith in oneself and honoring oneself. She is brave to dive deep and her guidance and simple and easy teaching is helping me on my path and journey. I’m eager to learn more and I’m looking forward to the next energy healing circle. I would be remiss if I did not add that the infusion of music performed by Carolyn’s very talented husband Bill is delightful. The love they share is evident and heartwarming."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Watching Form Even Over Skype Training

"I have been working out with Carolyn for more than a year, how lucky am I? She is super knowledgeable and totally guides you with love. Her energy and spirit can brighten any day (even if you don’t want to be smiley so very early in the morn). I love the ability to be able to workout in my own home and still know that she is watching my form and making sure I get the best workout possible. She is also super great at adapting and modifying. If I am sore or in pain she has options up her sleeve. And she truly listens to what you want - want more cardio? she’s on it. Prefer more strength - no problem! You won’t go wrong making the time to workout with Carolyn."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Ended Insomnia & Healed Their Lower Back Pain

"Carolyn, You are amazing! After your REAP session last evening I slept through the night for the first time in months. And, best of all I had no lower back pain and feel great!! Thank you so much, you are an exceptional person and on the right path in your life. Love, Pat"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Stop The Struggle, Heal Your Soul

“Our bodies have this incredible ability to heal. Our natural state is of wholeness wellness and being in balance with nature. In our everyday life, emotional stresses, traumas, physical ailments, sickness or even old conditioning negative patterns can take its toll on our bodies. This can create energy blockages where the energy flow cannot move freely throughout our bodies. Like mediation etc there are many things that can help release this energy. I met this beautiful soul and decided to try REAP. REAP aids in releasing these blocked energies and helps your body to return to a more balanced state of being where the energy can flow and healing can begin. The session was amazing and I could feel the energy and felt so much more relaxed!! I definitely recommend anyone struggling and wanting to just heal your soul to try this!!”

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Exercising Better Than Ever Imagined They Could

"I started Remote Personal Training with Carolyn through my best friend to get in shape for my wedding about 2 years ago. What I achieved with Carolyn’s help was far more than this! My overall health, strength and fitness improved so much in a short period of time that I was able to perform exercises I would never have attempted on my own. Each workout she chooses has variety and keeps me motivated. I have learned so much from Carolyn and she is always willing to share her expert knowledge and answer any questions I have. Carolyn is energetic, fun, committed, and inspirational."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Coach & Friend Helps Us Succeed

"We are two 65+ young people who found out about Carolyn through my hairdresser. Out of shape and very discouraged, we decided to give Carolyn a try. We are so thankful we met this bubbly, caring, talented and disciplined lady and personal coach. Carolyn took a history of us, saw we needed to go slow and build routines around our capabilities. Her motivation is beyond comparison, and her detailed print-outs for us help us to succeed at home doing our exercises. Our lives and bodies are changing for the better since we began exercising “The Carolyn” way. No looking back now. What’s more is that Carolyn is not just an exercise coach … she is our friend."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

FaceTime Training Very Convenient

"When I started training with Carolyn I knew, for me, that working out with a buddy or trainer would keep me more motivated or on point. Carolyn has helped me by encouraging me to do more things to take better care of myself. The result was developing strong muscle tone, which ultimately helped me stay in better shape even through some pretty rough times of emotional and physical stress. It is very convenient that she can train remotely by FaceTime or Skype for her out of town clients. Workouts with her are thorough and serious, yet fun, with good laughs and good talks thrown in. I would recommend Carolyn to people who need a personal trainer. She is also a REAP Practitioner and I can’t wait to experience that. I know from her dedication to the health of body, mind and spirit, that she is excellent at energy healing."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Remotely Healed Lighter Chest, Clearer Thinking

"I had been having a few hard days of not feeling well. Carolyn reached out and asked for consent to REAP remotely to see what was going on. I had just been contemplating a visit to the ER because I felt so stressed I was worried it was a heart attack. After the remote session I was amazed at how much lighter my chest felt and how much clearer I was thinking — like a weight had been lifted off of my chest — the thoughtful words, confirmation of my feelings, and helpful suggestions moving forward are just a few of the things I am grateful for today thanks to Carolyn!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

From Gym To Skype Training You'll Never Regret The Decision

"I will never forget the day my personal trainer told me she was moving. Simultaneously, I wished her well and wondered if I would be able to find a replacement trainer that fit my needs so well. Then she asked if I would be interested in signing up for "skype training" and of course, I jumped at the chance to stay with her. To tell you it's a "time and money" saver is a given and we all enjoy saving time and money! For me, however, it was the ability to preserve the precious relationship we developed over the years — a relationship of training, friendship, and healing. I would, therefore, encourage everyone to give it a will never regret the decision."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Felt At Peace Within Self

"Carolyn, I want to thank you for the awesome experience of REAP. I can’t explain it, but I truly believe I felt so relaxed and at peace within myself — you are awesome. That voice though, xoxo"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Lost Inches & Enjoyed Training

"When Covid-19 hit, I had been training with Carolyn one or two days a week but I was stuck in a rut and unable to motivate myself to do any cardio or exercising on my own. Once I started working from home, I was able to schedule training via Skype with Carolyn every morning for one half hour. Carolyn mixes up the sessions between yoga, piyo, strength and stretching. It is a great way to start the day and Carolyn is always encouraging and fun! The best result of these daily training sessions is that they (and Carolyn) have given me the push to get back to some cardio. I have started walking four miles a day and I feel great! I have lost inches, pounds and I have much more energy. I truly could not have done it without Carolyn and I enjoy each and every training session. Not a day goes by that we do not end up laughing and having a blast all while exercising!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Teaches With Humor

"Carolyn conveys her vast knowledge about Body Activation with skill, sensitivity, and humor!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Best Of Many Experienced Healers

"I have had several energy sessions done in the past with different experienced facilitators, each time feeling still feeling a little unresolved, and I can say my REAP session with Carolyn was the best I have ever had! She was calming, insightful, and most certainly helpful. I could feel the difference in my body and mood afterward! For once I felt as if everything was addressed. I highly recommend anyone seeking emotional and energetic healing try a reap session with her!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Left Stronger, Riding Wave of Healing

"Wow, Wow, Wow! Those were my words the next morning after my light body activation and strengthening the boundary wall with Carolyn. Carolyn’s healing circles were so awesome that it led me to reconnect in a private in-home session. I prepared the room with anticipation and smudged the space with Palo Santo. After a warm and happy greeting, Carolyn prepared a welcoming and comforting space. It was a beautiful summer day with a gentle breeze coming through the windows. I sat on the floor feeling honored and nurtured as I tuned into my body willingly. Carolyn guided me through the entire process. I felt calm, nurturing, and protected. Carolyn has a wonderful presence. She is giving and caring and when you are ready to ask for help you will receive it. I have learned Reiki and was interested to see what Carolyn was doing with REAP. I was curious, open and ready to receive. I loved the magical process and I felt like I was cleansing my chakras. If you have ever cleared the negative energy from your home, you know it is a lot of effort and hard work. I felt like this is what was being done to my body and energy centers with a gentle and magical touch. It has been one week today since my light body activation and I am receiving shocking benefits, a shift is happening and I am riding the wave continuing my healing journey. I am graciously thankful to have Carolyn as a guide and mentor."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Makes Me Feel Worth The Investment

"When I was looking for a trainer a few years ago, I knew I didn’t want a “I lift thing up and put them down” kind of trainer. I wanted someone who could understand the challenges of a (gasp!) middle aged woman who hadn’t made exercise a priority in a while, and who could effectively motivate me and help me set new health goals. Little did I realize that I’d meet Carolyn – she’s all that and more. Workouts are always challenging but not overwhelming. She’s encouraging, even when I fail myself. She makes me remember that I’m worth the investments in my health. And above all, we have fun doing it! I adore her, and you will too!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Learns to Heal Self by Activating Body Wisdom

"Carolyn hosted a Body Activation workshop in my home with a group of friends. Her loving and caring nature connected with us as she shared the levels of healing, the body activation centers, and how to utilize the knowledge. Her kindness and experience gave us willingness to share and trust in the process. She was able to provide and guide in-the-moment healing, giving way to an understanding that we can heal ourselves by activating our own body wisdom and higher power. The body is capable of so much and I am so happy to learn about body activation and the many levels of healing. Thank you Carolyn!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Never Bored Always Changing Exercises

"Carolyn is the best personal trainer I have ever worked with. She always changes up the workout routines, including TRX and PIYO, so that I am never bored nor do my muscles ever become used to the exercises. Because of this, I can always feel the results of each workout which I love! She inspires me and she is fun to work with. She is also very good at accommodating any specific issues I may have (bad knees or a sore lower back, for example). She is very encouraging and she is fantastic at making sure I am using correct form in every exercise. I truly look forward to, and enjoy, each and every workout with Carolyn."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Designs Targeted Programs From Vast Knowledge Of Fitness

"I have been working with Carolyn as my personal trainer for about 6 months and she is amazing! Her understanding of my capabilities and interests makes her one of the best! Every week it’s a different program she has designed to help me get stronger while introducing me to new and different exercises to target my specific areas that need work. She always makes the workouts challenging, yet fun and interesting! If you are looking for someone with a vast knowledge in many different areas of personal fitness and who has a kind hearted, personal touch, she is definitely for you! I would highly recommend Carolyn to anyone looking to improve their whole person, inside and out!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Never Stayed Committed Until Carolyn

"I have been working with Carolyn 2-3 times a week since January of 2013. I've never been one to stay committed with any workout plan, until I met Carolyn. What I have found with Carolyn is that no 2 workouts are ever the same, and she is always willing to modify the workout based on one's mood or needs. I'm always glad once I have completed a workout with Carolyn. Her positive outlook on life and her perky personality and spirit leave you feeling motivated and alive! I know me, without my time with Carolyn, truth be told I'd be a lazy individual. I'm in my early 40's and I've never felt as strong as I do today!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Carolyn Changed My Life & Truly Cares

"I decided to hire a personal trainer, little did I know how this would change my life. Carolyn truly cares and will go above and beyond to help you meet your goals. If the plan isn't working she will research to try something else — she cares about your mind body and soul. It's not just a job for her, she truly cares."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Guided To Full Potential

I have been working out with Carolyn for years in person and zoom. She knows my capabilities better than I do. I recently went through some health issues and she help bring me back to the level in which I was at before!! Always encouraging and guiding me to my full potential!'

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Saw Dancing Colors & Felt Energy Release From Body

"My very first experience with energy healing was very comfortable and welcoming. I immediately felt at ease and Carolyn went over everything very clearly about the process and she was very knowledgeable about Reiki and everything that comes with it. I experienced things I had never experienced before such as seeing dancing colors and also feeling trapped energy being released from my body. I especially felt the tightness around my throat while the cleansing was taking place. My head felt alot more clear even during the process. My favorite part was when Carolyn called in my dad's energy and immediately felt a wave of warmth completely wrap around me like a blanket. It was incredible. I feel like my anxiety is easier to control and I'm having an easier time breathing and feeling happier as I am going through a tough time. I highly recommend doing this and keeping an open mind and really leaning into this because it works."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Both Lost Over 40 Pounds Since Starting

"Becca started working with Carolyn in November, 2014, and I started the following year also in November. Since beginning our workouts, we are both much more flexible, our balance has improved, and our muscles are more toned. Combined with a nutrition/weight loss program, Becca has lost 45 pounds and I have lost 40 pounds since starting with her. For two people that never enjoyed this type of exercise, she makes it fun. We now look forward to our 1/2 hour session each week because we find that Carolyn is very energetic, enthusiastic and keeps us motivated the rest of the week."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Strong & Closer To True Higher Self

"My REAP was electric. From the start I felt an ultra strong connection with Carolyn. Not to go into great details, but a lot of heavy junk was circling around my life. After my REAP, I slept great and the next day felt "energies" all around me. Weeks later, I feel as if someone is dredging my "river.” Getting rid of mud, muck, and other sediments (sentiments) that have been holding me back from being my true higher self. I can't do it by myself. I've developed "teams" (my mother's estate team, my need for a new car team, my I want to teach a new yoga class team) and this team effort is helping me get there. Thank you Carolyn Trinkle Kenyon for starting the process."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Attitude, Appetite, & Relationships Improved From Course Teachings

As you know I've been wanting to write a review of my experience with your body activation class. I've been holding off and trying to find the perfect words. I've come realize that some things in life have no words — especially when we're dealing with the spirit and soul. I use your body activation meditation frequently: At least once a week, sometimes more! I can't say how it impacts me, but it does. I've noticed it can change my attitude, my appetite, and my relationships — always in a subtle, positive way. My daughter also participated in your class and she still mentions how much she loves the body activation. She loves your soothing voice and tells me she listens to it very often. She'll write her own review someday, I'm sure. Thank you for helping me (actually, both of us!) in understanding and tapping into our own inner-guidance.

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Felt Healing On Deep Level

"I have attended two of Carolyn’s Healing Circles and have had an awesome experiences at both. The meditation was profound and deep. I had never experienced the REAP method of healing and truly felt it on a very deep level. Carolyn has a heart of gold and is a true empath. Her husband Bill is also an extremely talented musician. I look forward to attending again in the near future and highly recommend."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Perfecting Exercise Form From Alaska

"The first workout was great! It was easy to get set up for the virtual training session. Carolyn was very welcoming and made me feel at ease after not working out for years. I found the workout easy to follow and felt comfortable that I was doing the training correctly. The intensity of the workout was just right. I’m looking forward to my next training session. All in all, I would definitely recommend Carolyn for personal training."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

You Feel Transformed

"This was one of my first healing circles and I truly had no idea what to expect, however went in with an open heart, as Carolyn has one of the biggest I know!! She was so authentic, real, funny and you could feel she was absolutely doing this to help others heal and live a more peaceful and joyous life! Her husband played an inspirational beautiful song he wrote himself, the love was real ❤️ her son read from his poetry book that really touched me deeply; adored him! The space at the Bull Run was perfect for this intimate gathering and lunch provided so yummy! You feel as if you have been transformed! To top it all off Carolyn donated proceeds from the event to North Middlesex Suicide Prevention and Awareness program, near and dear to my heart!!! She has a gift and a beautiful spirit and I’m so thankful she shares it with others!!! ❤️"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Immediate Calm After Session

"Had my first REAP session with Carolyn Trinkle Kenyon today. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. I am writing this 2 hours after our session and the feeling of calmness and connection to myself remains. Carolyn’s guidance through the process is invaluable. I had no idea what to expect, now I can’t wait for our next session."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Skype Training Skeptic Skype Trains For Decade

"To say I was skeptical when Carolyn brought up the possibility of Skype training is an understatement. When she told me that she was moving from Bethlehem, PA to Boston I was devastated. I loved my gym sessions with her! Carolyn offered for me to continue to train with her via Skype. I initially said no that I ‘needed’ the accountability of actually going to the gym in order to stay motivated. She persisted and asked if I would be willing to just give it a try. That was 9 years ago - in the interim I moved to Colorado but I continue to train first thing in the morning 3 days a week with Carolyn via Skype. It is perfect for me - I am so glad she persisted as I learned very quickly that the accountability of logging on and being ready to go at the prescribed time was very motivating and I did not need to go to the gym. When people ask me about my Skype training, I say everyone needs to experiment and find what routine works best for them - once you find that, you are set up for long term success. I love being up early (very early) for my Skype workouts with Carolyn! With my workout behind me first thing in the morning, I am energized and ready for anything my day throws at me. She constantly changes what we do and challenges me to the next level. I look back to the beginning of our training and I marvel at how far I have come. It has been life changing for me. If you are skeptical, I would highly recommend that you at least give it a try."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Find Deeper Life-Altering Self Understanding

"As I’ve hit the mid part of my life, I’ve been spending time reflecting on where I am at and thinking about my path in life. Like many people, I struggle with the balance of work and life, whether I’m doing something that is my passion and gives me joy versus am I simply doing something that is good enough, wondering if I’m making a positive impact on others around me, and with pushing through to the next steps in my journey. As part of my voyage of discovery, I’ve turned to REAP for clarity and a deeper understanding of myself, my motives, and my actions. I’m going on my fourth session with Carolyn, and I’ve been nothing short of amazed with the results of each session. In all truthfulness, our connection scares me sometimes (it’s so real!!), the progress we’ve been making is absolutely life-altering. Amazing!"

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Learned To Focus On Herself, Ground Herself

"I have to give my friend Carolyn Trinkle Kenyon a huge thank you. I’ve had 2 healing sessions with her and both were amazing! I can’t wait for my next one: ) She’s able to guide me in my grounding and help me focus on myself, something I’m not very good at. She has helped me work towards my inner peace."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.

Strong Balanced & Closer Weight Goals

"I am so happy a friend introduced me to Carolyn! I thought I was joining a fitness training class but my experience has been so much more. I am closer to my weight loss goal and feel stronger and more balanced. My first REAP session with Carolyn left me feeling calm and energized. Carolyn’s wealth of knowledge, her caring and calm demeanor, and energy are inspirational."

A couple smiles and leans foreheads closer towards each other lovingly, in very good lighting.